Jul 27, 2024
'Not a product review, just a fun video featuring the JT Splatmaster Z200 Shotgun in the yard this weekend with Sterling and Lisa. Is it a valid firearms training tool? Maybe so. What are the most important attributes of firearms training? Is it the weapon, or the person? You be the judge. Follow me on Facebook at Fitness Devolution. ---------------------------------- Fitness Devolution is dedicated to reconnecting with the roots of movement and strength latent in all of us. In a very real and personal sense, at 56 years, I\'m trying to devolve from where modern life has brought me back to a stronger, younger, healthier and more agile version of myself. In essence, I want my 18 year old body back! Sound crazy? OK. At least I\'m not in a hurry. Fitness Devolution will explore body weight exercises, kettlebells, indian clubs and mace swinging, Also, I plan to incorporate Systema principles for breathing, strength and health. I invite your comments and perspectives. If this material interests you, feel free to join in, share, and try my workouts. I teach in Atlanta Ga, and always welcome a new face. Circle me on Google+ and Follow on Face Book at Fitness Devolution for the latest videos, Paleo diet and other cool stuff, including philosophy, martial arts, bourbon, politics, cooking, guns, archery, photography, anarchy and butchery!'
Tags: iMovie
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